Veho Muvi Pro Micro DV Camcorder with 4 GB Micro SD

Veho Muvi Pro Micro DV Camcorder with 4 GB Micro SD




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On the plus side, this camera looks well constructed. There are two switches, one for power and the other to activate the sound activation feature. There is also a little button on top to start recording manually.

The problem I experienced was unbearable background noise with every recording. I contacted Veho technical support and at their request sent them a sample. They said my recorder *was* defective and that I should return/exchange it. The attached video highlights the noise problem with both the original camera *and* the one Amazon sent as a replacement.

According to the manufacturer, some amount of background noise is expected. Let me provide their explanation, directly from their FAQ:


Problem: There seems to be a lot of sound interference (buzzing) on my recordings, even in a quiet room. Why is this?

Resolution: The level of noise that you are experiencing with the camera is normal. Due to the sound activation function on the Muvi Pro the microphone is extremely sensitive therefore it will always pick up noise even in a quiet room.


Me, I think it's nonsense. What noise, exactly, would a microphone pick of from a quiet room: Ghosts?

Another aside, mostly for people who already own this recorder is about the date/time stamp. It is permanent and cannot be remove (which goes back to it being permanent). It's also impossible to set unless you know how and nearly impossible to find out how. Here's how... Create a file named time.txt in the top level of the camera's memory. That would be alongside the folder named DCIM. You write in that file the date and time in the following format: 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS' - Leave off the quotes, don't put a "return" at the end, and the only space is between the two digits for the day (DD) and the two digits for the hour (HH). Turn the camera off and back on. If you did everything right the file will be gone and the time will be set.

BTW, I feel that honest, effective reviews, accompanied by detailed videos, can take the place of first-hand experiences that are often lacking in online shopping. I've always appreciated the help I've received from other reviewers and try to return the favor as best as I can. Please let me know if found this review helpful and the video at least entertaining. If there was anything you thought was lacking or unclear leave a comment and I'll do what I can to fix it.

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