Yamaha YAS-93 Sound Bar with Dual Built-in Subwoofers

Yamaha YAS-93 Sound Bar with Dual Built-in Subwoofers




Vine Customer Review of Free Product (What's this?) I had some difficulty in deciphering the instruction manual, but, once I understood what was needed, I, with assistance from my wife, got everything connected and working in just a few minutes.

Before I explain the challenges, though, I'll tell you what really impresses me.

Surround Sound works very well, provided you also raise the TV volume, as well as the volume for the Yamaha speaker bar.

The clear voice setting on the remote is a nice feature when listening to talk shows or news. Stereo is nice when the movie warrants, or when listening to music on my Dish Network.

But, it is the Surround Sound that helps movies.

But, it is raising the subwoofer that moves this speaker system into greatness. As I write this review, we're watching The Prophecy on ESUSP (Encore Suspense). This transponder is not in HD. Yet, with the Yamaha YAS-93 Sound Bar, I have as good, or better, audio experience as with any HD channel. In fact, I think it is far superior.

Another super feature is univolume. As most people, I am sick to death with commercials blaring so loud I hit mute then have to hit mute again once the movie comes back on.

Returning to my setup challenges:

My TV is five years old and, thus, is not provided with an optical cable connection. Fortunately, my Dish Network Sling is, so I was able to connect. Hopefully, people considering this sound bar will be prepared to address this point before getting into near panic.

Everything else connected easily with no problems except, it seemed, the speaker remote interaction was a bit slow to kick in, and to detect the subtle differences until, voila kick in. But once they do, wow.

I just now turned off the speaker and was shocked at just how poor is the audio on ESUSP. Movie is over so it matters not.

Overall, I say this is a must-buy for anybody wanting to enjoy video programming in their home.

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