iPhone 6 Screen Protector, Tech Armor Apple iPhone 6 (4.7 inch ONLY) High Defintion (HD) Clear Screen Protectors -- Maximum Clarity and Touchscreen Accuracy [3Pack] Lifetime Warranty

iPhone 6 Screen Protector, Tech Armor Apple iPhone 6 (4.7 inch ONLY) High Defintion (HD) Clear Screen Protectors -- Maximum Clarity and Touchscreen Accuracy [3Pack] Lifetime Warranty




This is a review for the Tech Armor Ballistic Glass Screen Protector. I used this product on my personal gold iPhone 6 64gb, but this product will work for all colors/storage capacities of Apple iPhone 6. Below you will see the original 19 Sep 2014 review as well as two updates, the latest one 8 Oct 2014.

****Original Review Written 19 Sep 2014****

Pros: I would like begin with the positives. The material is excellent. Incredibly strong, amazingly clear, and it simply does not scratch, period. Nor does it leave any fingerprints whatsoever. These guys did their homework when it comes to getting the material composition right. It feels just like you're touching your actual iPhone display. Installation was significantly easier than the 'plastic film' style of screen protectors. If you follow the instructions you will not get any bubbles, period. The ballistic glass screen protector is thicker than the 'plastic film' protectors, and has a smooth, luxurious feel to it.

Cons: Sizing, sizing, sizing. I realize they had the product out before the iPhone 6 was released, so they were operating based on limited information. But it is simply not big enough. It needs to increase in size about 2 millimeters all around. This is not so big of a deal in the vertical dimension, but in the horizontal dimension it does not cover the whole width of the iPhone 6 screen. On the right edge of my screen there is a small bit that is not covered, and where it borderlines the display the image is slightly distorted. While I can live with this, I am not a fully satisfied customer. Please, Tech Armor, if you read this review please increase the dimensions of the screen protector.

Verdict: I will continue to use the screen protector (because it is a very solid product) and get in touch with the company in a month or so to see if they update the dimensions of the screen protector. The sizing is an annoyance, but it is still the best screen protector material around. Knowing what I know now, I would have probably purchased a cheap $1.50 film to hold me over until the dimensions were updated. Tech Armor, I would gladly and immediately update my rating to five stars if you revise the dimensions. Thank you.

****30 Sep 2014 Update****

I have sent Tech Armor an email about my situation, and they emailed me back saying that about 10% of their initial shipments contained an error in their cut. The rep offered to ship me another ballistic glass screen protector, free of charge. He did not request that I have to send back the original one that I purchased. While I do not believe my original ballistic glass screen protector is defective, I will wait and find out when the replacement arrives. The rep mentioned that if my original was defective, I should notice a difference in the camera/light sensor cutout. I suspect he will just ship me the new, updated version, considering the new version is scheduled to be released on 2 October 2014.

Other thoughts now that I have lived with the ballistic screen protector for a couple weeks: I have decided to upgrade the rating to three stars. This is because even though nothing has changed, the tiny sliver of my screen that is uncovered no longer bothers me. The uncovered sliver is a slight aesthetic annoyance, and does not affect the protection or the quality of the display. I didn't think someone who is as perfectionist as myself could stand living with it, but after three days I stopped noticing it. The material is still flawless, with several friends have commenting on how 'glasslike' the material is, and how it is clearer than the plastic film screen protectors.

I will update again when I received the replacement.

****8 Oct 2014 Update****

I have received the replacement ballistic glass screen protector Tech Armor has sent me. With this update, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is the replacement is an exact identical product as the original one that I have been using. Still the U-cut on top, still just a tad small for my taste. The good news is that after using the ballistic glass for nearly a month I have not only grown more fond of it over time, but I am starting to really fall in love with it. The slit on the right seems so insignificant now. In my last update I said it stopped bothering me, which is why I revised my rating to three stars. Now, I genuinely like this product - which is why I give it four stars. No, it's not a perfectly fabulous five star product, but it is a very, very good product. Obviously still no bubbles, no peels, and I am thoroughly impressed with the material.

The other good news is the customer service of Tech Armor. They are unusually prompt, and quite helpful. This makes me like their company, a lot. They've got the best selling screen protectors on Amazon, and I hope they get rich. After dealing with them, I like them.

So in the end, I did not put on the replacement ballistic glass screen protector. I am very content with my original. Looks like I've got an extra that I'll probably never need seeing as how sturdy these things are. Maybe if my girlfriend wants an iPhone later on down the road. This will most likely be the last update I will write for this product. My final thoughts: I think it's the best iPhone screen protector I've ever owned, even if it isn't 100% perfect. If you're on the fence, I would recommend you getting it if you care about maximum protection for your iPhone 6 screen. I know I've made the right choice.

If down the road they update the U-cut out for the camera I may purchase another (in which case this review will be updated).

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