SwissGear SA1923 ScanSmart Backpack - Black

SwissGear SA1923 ScanSmart Backpack - Black




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This backpack is awesome. Very happy with my purchase. I use this when travelling for work so I typically have my laptop, a notebook or two and all of my accessories/peripherals I need. Highly recommend this to any travelers that need something for similar situations.

Update: 7/26/2013 - My swissgear backpack spontaneously combusted yesterday! Unbelievable, I can no longer recommend this backpack as there's no telling when it may burst into flames!

Kidding, of course. Since my last update I've changed jobs, but this backpack is still getting just as much, if not more, use. I use it daily to and fro the office and it's holding up absolutely fine. It has shown no significant signs of wear. Still love it!

Update 11/13/2014 - Still putting this backpack to use on the daily. It's still in perfect condition. No loose threads, all materials have held up incredibly well. If and when this one starts to fall apart I'll have no issues buying the same bag, but at this rate it looks like it's going to be years down the road before that happens.

Update 1/19/2015 - This backpack is $40 today. Ordering another one just to have on hand.

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